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The Internet Path to Creativity, Service, and Income

Creativity, Service, and Income
I've been amazed by the number of people I meet with creative ideas that could change the world—they may lack a backing organization, finances, or simple knowledge of how to make it happen.

There are ways to deal with each of these obstacles. A skillful use of websites, blogs, and other internet activities can spread your ideas on your own terms, and at your own speed.

It is easy to spend lots of money getting a web presence and marketing up and running-- but with some knowledge, you can start small and ramp up only as much as you need and want to, while still getting results.

The internet can allow you to use your own creativity to launch that service project you have been considering, and, if you wish, develop a modest recurring income in the process.

If you have the ideas and want to get them out in the world, there are two compassionate and energetic individuals who have done some of the grunt work of learning how to make it happen. And now they are ready to share their knowledge.

The Teachers
Ryan Nagy is an expert in the Feldenkrais method, has studied child development, and has recently become obsessed with the opportunities the web offers for spreading the word about his work. He has spent considerable time and effort in learning how to take advantage of web opportunities.

Bill O’Hanlon, an internationally renowned trainer and educator, is now focusing his attention on how to use the web for training and instruction.

Together they are The Web Whisperers, your guides to creating your own space on the wild world web.

The Training
You have a number of options as to how to proceed.

With tutorials, written instruction, video, and online courses, they share the most useful things they have learned with you.

If you are a tech person, these folks will help you reach the next level of skills.

If the whole website thing has seemed too complicated to you, with Ryan and Bill’s help, you can learn what can be done with the web, how much you want to do, and how to outsource the rest in economical ways to tech experts.

An initial investment can save you time and money
I've known people who spent thousands of dollars to have someone build a simple website for them. That has always been too much— and now you can get a solid start with far less.

You can do it for free. To develop your initial web presence, a place where people can read and see your work, start with a simple free blog at Wordpress.com, the fastest, cheapest way to begin using the web. It takes some work to get going with a WordPress blog, but the effort is worth it.

Then decide if you want to do more-- let's say you want instruction and assistance with the process of developing your WordPress blog, want to create a new or bigger website, or know the tricks of hiring someone else to create it, and want to learn how to integrate it into a larger and well publicized marketing framework, then look to Bill and Ryan for assistance.

Your Own Speed, Your Own Goals
Begin by looking at their website, The Web Whisperers, and check out a number of free tips and instructional materials they’ve produced.

Use what you can, then come back for more. Sign up for weekly updates, and move on to the online course materials, a condensed, powerful introduction to building the web, marketing, and making it all happen, presented in a light and friendly manner.

And finally, if you like and value what you’ve learned, ask them to schedule a live Web Whisperers workshop, a jam-packed immersive week that will teach you how to do it, help you get you motivated, and get your project on the air.


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